| Graphic design |  Brand Collateral  |  Creative Direction  
Printed Promotional materials

Project Overview:(TIPT) 
Role: Creative Director | Web designer | Social presence

As the Digital Creative Director for the Toronto Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology (TIPT), a registered private career college licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, I was responsible for creating a comprehensive web presence and an advertising campaign aimed at attracting new students from around the globe.

Advertising Campaign
Crafting an Clean and Effective Campaign:
The advertising campaign aimed to capture the attention of undergraduate and registrant students throughout the school year, utilizing various platforms to maximize reach and impact.
Multichannel Approach: The campaign was rolled out across multiple platforms, including websites, physical locations (printed ads), YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Visual Consistency: Maintaining a consistent visual theme across all media to reinforce the brand message and ensure recognizability.
Bilingual Campaign: Developing a complete bilingual (English and French) campaign to cater to TIPT’s diverse student base.
Key Elements of the Campaign
1. Digital Media:
Website Banners and Ads: Designed eye-catching banners and ads for the TIPT website and partner sites.
YouTube and LinkedIn Ads: Created engaging video and static ads tailored for social media platforms, highlighting the institute’s unique offerings and success stories.
2. Print Media:
Posters and Brochures: Designed informative and visually appealing posters and brochures for display in educational fairs, partner institutions, and other relevant locations.
3. Visual Storytelling:
Showcasing Excellence: Used imagery of TIPT’s clean medical team and advanced facilities to convey the institute’s high standards and dedication to student success.
Building a Strong, Attractive Brand campaing:
My work resulted in a cohesive and compelling brand identity for TIPT that effectively communicated its strengths and values to prospective students. The clean design and eye-catching campaign helped reinforce TIPT’s message of excellence, driving increased interest and enrollment from students worldwide. The bilingual approach ensured that TIPT’s offerings were accessible to a broader audience, further enhancing the institute’s global reach and reputation.
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